Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Good morning!

Waking up to this bright and shiny face everyday makes mornings so awesome!! Jay is extremely happy in the morning! She brightens my mood with her giggles and smiles

Monday, October 8, 2012


Jaymes is babbling up a storm! And her new found 'word' is 'dada'. Although she has no idea how to use it in context, it's pretty sweet. :) I keep trying to get her to say 'mama' but she either laughs at me or says 'dada'. Haha. Oh well, someday.

Monday, October 1, 2012

8 months!

Jaymeson is 8 months old! Hard to believe it has been that long! She is a very happy little girl who is full of energy. She has 3 teeth-2 bottom and 1 incisor and working on a second incision so she will probably look like a vampire baby. Haha. Her BLONDE hair is rapidly coming back now, thank goodness. Maybe she stop getting mistaken for a boy. :) She pulls up on everything and is very close to cruising. She will let go and stand for a few seconds before falling. She is a FAST crawler and has begun to climb everything including stairs! She loves food but doesn't like bananas or broccoli. We love our little monkey!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Stairs! Already!

Two days until little peanut turns 8 mos old she spontaneously climbed the stairs today! Growing up far too fast!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

That's for me, right?

Jaymeson LOVES eating whatever we are eating. Lately it is our cereal. She loves having some Cheerios from momma and daddy's big spoons. :) This morning she already had Cheerios of her own and half a peach. When daddy came with his cereal she b-lined for him with longing eyes. Silly little girl

Friday, September 7, 2012

Two peas in a pod

Move over peaches! Jaymes' new favorite food is frozen peas!! (she is still infatuated with peaches though)

The Look

This is the look I get ALL the time. This little peanut loves to sneak over to the banister and the stairs every chance she gets. She also tries to climb everything and grab anything she can get her little hands on! Sneaky sneaky

First tooth!

Jaymes is cutting her first tooth this week! She hasn't been too crazy, thank goodness! Pics to come, it's not quite photographic yet. :)

Friday, August 31, 2012

7 months!

Baby girl is 7 months today! Holy buckets. She is a busy little bee. Crawling FAST, pulling up on EVERYTHING, and rapidly growing up. :(

Friday, August 24, 2012

August so far

Happy half birthday to my baby girl!! My big 6 mo old weighs in at 16 lbs and eats like a champ-except green veggies! Peaches are still her go to food, she can devour a whole peach in one sitting...for desert! She is getting very fast at crawling, LOVES to stand and pull up on furniture, legs, toys, cabinets, and yes-her crib! She has even started to begin to cruise a little. Which is how we also got our first ouchie-a bruise on her forehead! My sweet sweet girl has really figured out how to manipulate mom, dad, nana, and papa. She likes to be held and rocked to sleep and definitely let's us know otherwise. My beautiful little love is growing up so fast!

August also brought us back to 'The good life'. John was offered a management position with a new Sams club in Lincoln, NE which means we will all be in the same state for good! However, since we rented out our house for a year we have been taken in by my gracious parents. Living in my parents basement with my husband, infant, and two dogs wasn't exactly in my 5 year plan but I'm very happy to no longer be commuting!

July update

Happy 4th of July! Jaymeson is now 5 months old, where did the time go? She sits up all on her own and toward the end of the month she starts to crawl and pull up on toys/furniture! We now have a mobile child. She is getting more and more curious about the world around her. She started eating big girl food and loves it! Her fav foods right now are butternut squash, avocado, and PEACHES! This girl is a peach fiend!

We got to see cousins from Virginia this month and it was so much fun to see all the kids together. I wish we all lived closer.

June update

Now a full month into the commuting lifestyle and I officially feel like I live in my car! Living out of a suitcase is ridiculous. Living out of a suitcase with an infant-downright absurd!

Jaymeson has no quickly progressed to a tripod unassisted sit! By the end of the month she is sitting up unassisted! I honestly can't believe it! She looooves to play with her musical table toy and has become much more interactive. She also is a big fan of bath time.

Outside of work, driving and Jaymes, we officially don't have a life. However I do feel like John gets the nice end of the deal. He gets to be a bachelor halftime since J and I commute for sometimes weeks on end!

About Me

My photo
Omaha, NE
Est. in 2010 We married in July 2010 in beautiful Fort Collins, CO. John currently works with Sams Club and I am a NICU nurse at The Nebraska Medical Center. We have two rambunctious boxers, Rawly and Sadie and just welcomed our first child--baby girl Jaymeson Rae in Jan 2012!
